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Degree Programmes

The six-semester Bachelor programme leads to the first internationally recognised academic degree, the "Bachelor of Arts" or the "Bachelor of Science" (BA or BSc). Then the doors are open to both working life as well as a four-semester Master's programme.

In the EU and in many non-EU countries, the three-tier system regulates the international recognition and comparability of academic degrees – Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD / Doctorate. Thereby study periods at different national and international universities can be completed. Recognition is based on ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System), which are acquired during the period of study; a Bachelor's degree requires 180 ECTS.

Prerequisites of study:

School leaving examination, university entrance qualification, qualification for special university entrance or completion of the 2 semester preparatory university entrance course which is offered at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.

Duration: 6 Semesters

The 6 semester, subject-specific degree with integrated work placement is highly practice-oriented and is efficient structured in terms of time management. Graduates of a bachelor’s degree are excellently prepared for either career entry or promotion (in the case of students who are already integrated into a working environment).
The qualification entitles graduates to university entrance to follow a master’s degree programme at either a university or university of applied sciences.


The internship, be it at home or abroad, is an integral component of the degree programme at the university of applied sciences. Students are confronted with concrete, on-the-job tasks during the work placement which lasts between 9 and 15 weeks. It is during this period that students become familiarized with the essential sequences and interrelationships in an enterprise operating within their chosen field. This internship often serves as a springboard for more long term career perspectives.

Bachelor's thesis:

Independent, written assignments are completed by students for courses from semesters 4-6.  These assignments provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to complete tasks and identify interrelationships independently under the application of methodological skills. The assignments are characterized by their relevance to the degree programme.

Bachelor examination:

The degree programme is completed with an examination before a committee which consists of a discussion related to the bachelor's thesis completed by the candidate. This discussion enables the student to demonstrate his or her understanding of the interconnected nature of the various courses constituting the degree course as a whole.

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